I should be disemboweled, I really should, do it in a hospital since I hate them and have been millions of times since birth. I burnt my esophagus when I was 10 from medication I was on. I've detailed the psychological stuff to no end, but the other health issues are just as evident in having ruined my life. My gall bladder is in some garbage bag somewhere, that was fun, my pancreas was elevated, and my liver inflamed, a voluptuous black nurse fingered my butthole while giving me a suppository after a brief protest, I think that was the worst part because my backside is exit only, but yeah, quite an experience, my brother brought his skank gf and like some weird hooker they know who of course climbed in bed with me, and there are pictures of this out there somewhere, she was kissing me and trying to give me the herpes, it was real fun, they thought I'd really like that and feel better, I was on so much morphine, I allowed it, but yeah, plenty of other examples, I'll be glad to not suffer, one day, I just feel like I got kicked while I was down this last time because now I have like a weird covid from the latest hospital visit, I was not sick with these symptoms until I went there, obviously wasn't feeling well leading up to the emergency, but I didn't have this terrible, burning cough, I always have headaches, but not a mucus river, body aches, lethargy and no taste, absolutely no taste I mean, this is Hell, I am a foodie!
It all gets better, right? Thank you for this day.