
 Give them death, all countries, let them taste it, let there be rot and decay. They don't understand cathedrals, so burn them. Daughters will rejoice, murder the rapists, murder them all, I beg you. I don't care about children or infants.  Created me the same as them. I'm pure, they're not, murder them. Murder this entire planet, I would. I really would. I'm not like you either. You love them and I hate them, I hate them all. They might as well be sand on a beach. No one thinks of sand, it's sand.  It's your will, you know my spells, my mannerisms, these quiet moments before the doorbell rings. This is how I feel, I've always been like this and you created me. I want them to suffer the way I do. That's all. I suffer this, for you. Let them suffer, let's see if they can do it. I can suffer. I suffer. Amuse me, this disease, amuse me.