I won a mock Pen award in the 8th grade. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life. I was humiliated. I had to stand in front of the entire pod, Mrs Mays.. old fucking weird demon, she wore granny stockings..my brother was in her class before me, that blew ass, she hated me on day 1 because of him, anyway, there were people of the academy there, I had to parade myself and impress them, do a little sashay on the stage, you know, I had to read my story. We had to write about these dudes who climbed a mountain or some stupid shit. I picked one of them, the "bad guy" if you will, and said he was the top man, a real Hemingway, this guy pisses standing up and bellows like a fucking bull, ain't nobody killing him with spears, he'll horn your ass to death, a real brute, a real man. The other dudes were pussies. His name was Nace, cool sounding name, don't fuck with him, that was the gist of my story. Burly man, a beard, beat your ass boy if you talk sideways to him. Fuck around and find out, I was in the 8th grade. I fell in love with Nace's philosophy. He was a badass. Climbing a mountain and people were dying, he was like: fucking deal with it, pussies. Make it to the top, top of the world, fuck all y'all. Go for your goal or die.
That's how it is, it's not some other way.