Valley above the clouds, easy to hide in the suicide parlor of the Appalachians, you can be on the trail in the quiet of a morning and you'll suddenly notice that a little red 9-tailed Japanese fox is blocking the path and staring intently at you. It's curious, this strange little cat-puppy with its almost perfect black eyes is looking right at you, ignoring the mutilated bird breakfast and far-away songbird singing sadly, there's no more happiness anywhere than experiencing that. I admire that, it has an entire kingdom full of heartbeats, the forest and domain of tall trees and rocks and dirt, it all belongs to the fox. It is completely unobserved unless it wants to be seen, at night it's made of smoky vapors and exotic camouflage, even the witches of the woods can't make light reflect off the dark of its eyes, it's like a ghost-child that plays with your hair while you sleep.