Your child and daughter unruly as all the others, this day will never occur again. I'm not having golden dreams, reading nightly novels by the lake, medication and ebbing disease. I feel like your dying world with walls of flames on the ocean, a pretty face in a café window, our downcast mortal life, the sun lamps in Heaven, the blackest of shade under trees in Hell.
I want to watch the fissure appear, like a dragon eye awakening, spikes and jagged earthquakes, the fatally ruptured vein while the iron is hot, the Earth's bones breaking, rib cage open, fractals of the light beings, the last chaos and violent role-play of schizophrenia, vicious eruptions of lava and molten, coppery clay, to drown with a mother, father, brother and sisters, envious of those who die, each day a day that will never dawn again, God, the source of all I say.